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ABC's Actions for Employees

to Mitigate Impacts of COVID-19

ABC's Actions for Employees to Mitigate Impacts of COVID-19

As our first priority at ABC is our employees’ health and safety, and in line with the Government’s latest announcements regarding COVID-19, we have implemented some precautionary measures across the Company to try to mitigate and limit the spreading of the virus which is affecting many parts of the world including Egypt.
While maintaining our seamless operations to continue serving our customers and consumers, a committee was immediately formed to ensure employees health and safety and implement business continuity plans.
The following measures have been implemented with immediate effect:

Work from Home Policy:

We have implemented ‘work from home’ policy, were each functional head liaised with his/her function to ensure employees’ safety as well as the business continuity. To minimize the number of employees in the function to limit interactions.

Health & Safety:

Thermal testing to employees upon arrival to any of our premises.
Employees are urged to abide by the one meter safe distance in their daily interactions.
Employees were asked to self-isolate for 14 days if they are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms and to visit the nearest doctor or local health clinic.
Fever Hospital with its locations and number were communicated to employees.
To be admitted back to work, employee needs to check at the location clinic first or have a written medical report from your doctor / local health clinic that they are recovered.

Workplace Hygiene:

We ensured more frequent cleaning of all premises during the day.
We ensured the availability of sanitizers across all our locations.
Continuous sanitization of common areas and workplace surfaces.
All company buses are cleaned and sanitized daily and driver’s temperatures are checked daily.
We urge everyone to maintain the same level of hygiene on the personal level. By regular wash of hands with water and soap, the use of sanitizers and to remain hydrated)

Workplace Guidelines:

All meetings are held based on ‘mandatory to attend’ basis and business essentiality. All other meetings are held virtually.
All employees who utilize the changing rooms located in plants, should avoid entering these rooms in large groups at the same time.
No visitors are allowed in any of ABC premises. This includes but is not limited to suppliers, contractors, and courier and delivery services.
On premises cafeterias are suspended for the time being and employees are asked to bring their own food if they will be coming to work.


All international travel from/to Egypt was put on hold. All domestic travels will be business essential and by director’s approval.


All team buildings and large gatherings and events are put on hold for the time being.

Internal Communication and Awareness:

Through our communication channels, we are building awareness on Covid-19 symptoms and preventions, to keep our employees and families safe.
Internal signage have ongoing educational videos on symptoms and prevention measures.
Laptop lock screens have been changed to remind employees with more frequent handwashing, avoid face touching and any close personal contact.
Medical notes are sent daily by medical team on email. Line managers are required to keep all their staff with no access to emails updated with the news.

The above measures have been conducted based on the latest medical advice and are designed to protect ABCians health & safety, their families' and of the community we operate and live in.
On behalf of ABC, we hope that you all take care of yourselves and your loved ones and most importantly Keep Safe.

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